We hope that you are satisfied with all the products you have bought from us. However, if you are not completely satisfied, you will find details of our refund policy below.

We strongly recommend that you fully test all items at the time of delivery.

Unless otherwise stated, an item may generally be returned within the appropriate return window if it meets one or more of the following conditions:

  • It is different from what was ordered.
  • It is broken.
  • Upon delivery of damaged property.
  • Some parts are missing
  • Products are less than 3 months shelf life

You have that Right to return your items within 14 working days after delivery and receive a full refund.

Permitted Returns

All items must be returned in their original condition with undamaged price tags, instruction manual, warranty cards, original accessories and in the original box / box of the manufacturer. 
For medicinal products, the articles must be returned completely and in their original condition, with the carton, strips and packaging intact.

If you want to return an order with personal information, make sure that you have removed all this information from the package before you return it.

How can I Return A Product?

Please contact our customer service within 14 working days after receipt of your order by email or fill out the form on our contact page.

After submitting your complaints to our Customer Service, you will receive instructions on how and where to send or return your items. The options may include shipping by courier service, collection by our delivery service or delivery to a specific location provided by us. Please note that not all options are available in all areas and our customer service makes every effort to provide a convenient option.

Unfortunately, we can not cover the cost of returning your items and will not be liable for any damages incurred during shipment. Please make sure they are properly secured and packed. We recommend to send the package by courier service if required.

How long does it take for my return to be processed?

We will do our best to process your return within 24 hours of receipt of the item. However, it may take up to 20 days for the original payment to be refunded.

Please note that when processing the return, we are entitled to deduct an amount from the refund to compensate for any loss of revenue equal to 100% of the returned items if the loss is due to unnecessary treatment of the item by you.

In some cases, we offer only a replacement or credit instead of a refund. We will notify you accordingly once the return has been processed by our return department.

Cancellation Policy

If you’d like to cancel your order, you can sign in to your account in the Order History section of the website while the order status is fixed. 
Once the order has been approved by our team, please email our customer service team to respond to cancellation requests. If the request is received before shipping the order, a full refund will be made.

Once the order has been shipped, cancellations will be treated as a return. The procedure described in the “Returns” section is applicable.